Program design, Project Management, Implementation, Consortium Building

Career Your Way
Workforce Development
The mission of Capital IDEA is to lift low-income working families out of poverty by sponsoring community college education in high-paying and high-demand professional careers that lead to life-long financial independence. The only comprehensive workforce development program of its kind in the Houston area, Capital IDEA serves the community by acting as a bridge connecting committed, yet underemployed adults to employers in need of highly skilled workers. In collaboration with Houston Community College (HCC), Bridge Year, Harris County Department of Education, and Fast Forward Analytics designed a holistic support program to assess, place, support, and retain NEET (Nor employed, education, or enrolled in training) Opportunity Youth in high demand-short term education/certification programs. To ensure the implementation and workflow success of the pilot, AG provided:
- Project management and implementation monitoring tools for the three phases of delivery;
- Designed a mentorship program and training guide to ensure facilitation participants were culturally informed as well as possessed the ability to identify behavior demanding trauma informed responsive interventions; and
- Provided CYW program integration plans for each institutional member in order ensure program delivery.