Evidence-based Certified Program Design
Service providers are, now more than ever, critical capacity builders to ensure enduring access of citizenry to a decent standard of living and participation in the economy. Thus, the service model must be effective. If not, service models encounter revolving clients who are unable to maintain their independence and self-sufficiency. This problem of practice is often a result of the organization’s admirable aim to immediately intervene against harm or serve the immediate need. Additionally, organizations are often under-resourced and must select a model which responds, mitigates, or averts. Sometimes, organizational practices perform all of the continuum or function mostly in the sphere of an initiative. In order to be most effective, the design of the program must be well constructed. Meaning, how do we ensure that we achieve our goals via the invested inputs? How do we create a highly replicable and predictable set of outcomes? Achieving such would certainly increase funding.
The Process
AG hosts vision casting sessions and crystallizes the desired outcomes of the client. We utilize this insight to reconfigure the entire program—intake, types of interventions, monitoring process, frequency of administration, length of time services provided, etc. We oversee and orchestrate the process of evaluation as well as the pathway towards evidence-based certification designation.
The End
Programs effectively, predictably, and evidently support their clients. This certification is not just a process of improvement but also yields a funding stream—billable by insurance and government entitlements—supporting funding sustainability.