Fund Development & Philanthropic Relations
Entities and collective action networks (CAN) alike commit valuable resources (e.g. time, staffing, and investment) to create plans, which are poised to mitigate and/or resolve their problems of practice, ultimately increasing social wellbeing and yielding various levels of social impact. The fidelity of implementation often mandates costs associated with staffing or project costs, yielding many potentially effective plans to collect dust or represent an exercise in aspirations. Thus, we utilize our Chartered Advisors of Philanthropy (CAP) and/or Certified Fundraising Executives (CFRE) to support the process of fund development.
The Process
Our clients complete an intake form and we conduct an initial scan to determine: suitability with our fundraising capacity areas, capital readiness, capital worthiness, and potential social impact. If accepted as a client, we then take our clients through a process of supporting them in constructing a narrative and getting “pitch” ready. We then search to align funders’ portfolio and clients’ desired funding area. We make a match and prepare everyone for the “ball”.
The End
We are not compensated by the client. Our professionals are compensated by the philanthropists—our role is to maintain and provide them portfolio aligned giving opportunities.