Carlos Walker, Ph.D.
Strategist & Education Practitioner
Dr. Carlos Walker is a trusted and awarded professional committed to community empowerment and community development. Carlos has been serving at the intersection of community development and education for nearly 20 years with roles inclusive of a turnaround school principal as well as Executive Director of Historic Stop Six Initiative (HSSI).
His work has resulted in programs, policies, and community investments that are informed by his authentic practice of community based participation research (CBPR)–essentially community knowledge as a driver and equal co-designer of solutions. Under his leadership, HSSI has been supported through multiple dimensions of transformation: workforce development, community revitalization funding to stabilize the community as well as combat gentrification, evolution of human support services to be culturally responsive, as well as the elimination of barriers to civic participation (e.g. voting discrimination and free countywide expunction programs).

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